About Us
- Saunner of the Year 2024(日本)
- NPO日本テントサウナ安全協会
- サウナ学会
- テントサウナにおけるオーダーメイドセッティング
- テントサウナにおけるギア開発・販売・プロデュース
- サウナイベント演出・プロデュース・制作
- サウナ関連コンテンツの開発・提案・プロデュース
- サウナ施設の設備開発・設計・プロデュース
Academic Sauna Label “madsaunist”
The academic sauna label “madsaunist” was founded in September 2021 by three people with different backgrounds, UK(General Director), YAS(Strategic Consultant)and YsK(Doctor), with the aim to “conceive” + “create” + “share” a more comfortable sauna experience.
They consider sauna as a “science” and as professionals of tent saunas and outdoor saunas, they express their academic sauna theories as various forms of saunas by mixing experts from different fields, papers and their own knowledge.
In the process, we develop and produce third-party equipment for existing tent sauna brands and custom-made equipment for BtoB, creating new value for outdoor saunas and educating people about our unique sauna theory.
We collaborate with traditional Japanese craftsmen, artists, technicians, scholars, artists, creators, and designers in various fields to bring “waza” (skill) to the world.
We also provide comprehensive direction for sauna events and sauna-related content, crossing conceptual thought with the sauna to create immersive spatial design and a captivating mental path.
While the basic concept of sauna design is based on scientific evidence, we also create sauna facilities that reflect the sauna experience preferred by Japanese people, based on knowledge gained from numerous tent sauna experiences in harsh environments ranging from extremely cold to hot and humid subtropical climates.
- Saunner of the Year 2024(JAPAN)
- NPO Tent-Sauna Safety Association
- Japan Association of Sauna
Business Activities:
- Custom-made settings for tent saunas
- Gear development, sales, and production for tent saunas
- Direction, production, and production of sauna events
- Develop, propose, and produce sauna-related content
- Develop, design, and produce sauna facility equipment

総合演出家|General Director
ショー・デザイナー|Show Designer
コンセプト・デザイナー|Concept Designer
コンテンツ・クリエイター|Content Creator
クリエイティブ・ディレクター|Creative Director
イベントプロデューサー|Event Producer
大阪・堺市生まれ。大阪の高校を卒業後、2004年から8年間を上海で過ごし、現地の大学に通いながらバンド活動を開始。数々の音楽フェスティバルに出演する一方で、ライブ制作として多くの日本人アーティストのチャイナツアーや単独公演を成功に導き、プロデューサーとしての手腕を発揮。2010年、上海万博では故・堺屋太一氏に師事し、堺屋氏が総合プロデュースを務めた「Japan Industry Pavilion」で、史上最年少の専属舞台監督(2010年当時)に就任した
その後、日中間の国際関係の変化を機に日本へ帰国。東京に拠点を移し、クリエイティブ界で著名なWATOWA INC.に合流。総合演出家 TAKAhiro Komatsuに師事し、ファッション、コスメ、テクノロジーをはじめとする幅広い分野で演出・プロデュースを手掛ける
Born in Sakai, Osaka. After graduating from high school in Osaka, he spent eight years in Shanghai starting in 2004, where he began playing in a band while attending a local university. In 2010, he studied under the late Mr.Taichi Sakaiya at the Shanghai Expo and became the youngest resident stage manager ever for the Japan Industry Pavilion, which was extensively produced by Mr. Sakaiya. In 2010, he became the youngest-ever exclusive stage manager (at the time of 2010) of the Japan Industry Pavilion, which was produced by Mr. Sakaiya.
Later, he returned to Japan after the change in international relations between Japan and China. He moved to Tokyo and joined WATOWA INC., a prominent company in the creative world. He studied under General Director TAKAhiro Komatsu and has directed and produced in a wide range of fields, including fashion, cosmetics and technology.
In 2021, he founded the academic sauna label “madsaunist” with YsK and YAS. He is a steam designer and evangelist who has attracted attention in the world of outdoor sauna, and continues to create new sauna experiences with his production skills that combine his sauna knowledge with his staging and production techniques for events and various projects.
250社以上の企業が加盟するJAPAN SAUNA-BU ALLIANCE ではBoard member を務め、新規事業開発を担当
Finland Sauna Ambassador (フィンランド大使館)
モットーは『Play work』『周到な準備が勝利を導く』
Born in Okayama Prefecture, Japan, in 1991. After working in sales and marketing for a major domestic pharmaceutical company, he joined a foreign capital consulting firm. He has been involved in strategic marketing projects in the pharmaceutical industry, including new drug launches, product strategy planning and implementation, symposium planning and production, rebranding, and policy advocacy.
In addition to his day job, he has founded several companies and has been featured in numerous media magazines, book publications, and career seminars.
He is also a board member of the JAPAN SAUNA-BU ALLIANCE, which has over 250 companies as members, and is responsible for new business development.
Finnish Sauna Ambassador (Embassy of Finland)
He was also appointed as an ambassador for Shikoku 88 Bicycle Pilgrimage Ambassador.
His mottos are “Play work” and “Careful preparation leads to victory.

Responsible for product development and research
消化器外科医。1987年、東京生まれ。消化器外科医として日々外科手術に従事。元々サウナ好きであったが、知人が所有していたテントサウナを体験しサウナに目覚める。ロシア製テントサウナEx-pro Iglooを個人輸入のうえ日本初導入した。日本の四季折々の自然の中でのサウナ体験に魅力を感じ様々な場所でテントサウナを展開。一人のユーザーとして従来の製品に限界を感じ、自身で製品の開発を手がけることを決意する。大学病院を退職後にUK、YASと出会いmadsaunistを起業する
より気持ちの良いサウナ体験とは何かを自問自答しながら、様々な業界の論文やデータを精査し、人体生理学に基づいたサウナ体験の向上を日々追求している。日本サウナ学会医師会員としてサウナに関する医学的な知見を広めるべく活動し、アウトドア愛好家兼医師として、テントサウナ利用時の安全啓蒙活動も行っている。現在は茨城県に移住し、狩猟、サーフィンに勤しみながら茨城県の魅力を向上させるべく広く活動の幅を広げる。呼吸法による自律神経のコントロールが可能かを医学的立場で検証すべくWim Hof Methodを学び、インストラクター資格を取得
A gastrointestinal surgeon, born in Tokyo in 1987. After graduating from a private medical university and completing his clinical training at the same institution, he became a full-time surgeon. Originally a sauna enthusiast, his passion was sparked after experiencing a friend’s tent sauna. He imported the Russian-made Ex-pro Igloo tent sauna, introducing it to Japan for the first time. Enthralled by the experience of saunas in Japan’s changing natural seasons, he began organizing tent sauna events and, feeling limited by existing products, decided to develop his own. After leaving his university hospital, he met UK and YAS, leading to the founding of madsaunist.
He continually explores how to create the most pleasant sauna experience by reviewing papers and data from various fields, striving to enhance sauna experiences based on human physiology. As a physician member of the Japan Sauna Society, he spreads medical knowledge related to saunas and, as an outdoor enthusiast and doctor, promotes safety awareness for tent sauna use. Now residing in Ibaraki Prefecture, he actively engages in activities to promote the region, including hunting and surfing. He is also studied the Wim Hof Method with plans to acquire instructor certification, to scientifically verify the control of the autonomic nervous system through breathing techniques.